Our careers programme offers an excellent range of opportunities for students both in school and out of school, and uses the Gatsby Benchmarks – a nationally recognised framework for world-class careers provision – as its basis. We support students towards university or directly into a career of their choice by ensuring:
- The development of the habits, skills and mindsets required to be successful at university and in professional life
- We offer students a wide range of career insights opportunities including workshops, visits and talks focus on careers, apprenticeships and university
- Students have access and exposure to a wide range of contexts and relatable role models to broaden their experience and build academic and professional aspirations
- Students can access high quality advice and guidance about their next steps, in particular during key transition points at ages 14, 16 and 18
Our Careers Lead
Ms Rachel McAuley
Key activities
Our programme aims to meet all of the 'Gatsby Benchmarks' – a nationally recognised framework for world-class careers guidance – through the following strategic adjectives:
- Organise parent engagement events to inform parents about today's job market and world of work, and how to advise their children on these topics.
- To track at a pupil level all the careers curriculum, visits, trips and experiences each child at the school experiences to help ensure our careers programme provides opportunities for all pupils, through the rollout of Unifrog.
- For pupils to actively reflect on each experience they have through the use of post trip and activity reflections, using Unifrog.
Accessing Careers Advice:
Students can access careers advice in the following ways:
- One to one guidance meeting with a Careers Advisor (Year 11)
- Careers events
- Careers trips and visit
- 6th Form careers and work experience opportunities e-mail
- Assemblies and talks
- Careers Lead
- PSHCE lessons
- Workshops
- Long term careers programmes e.g. WWF Sustainable Futures, Future Frontiers
- Unifrog
- Tutor time sessions
Preparing for the world of work after 6th Form at BDA
In Sixth Form, we use assemblies, PHSE and tutor time to prepare our students for the world of work. We have numerous speakers each term, from a range of professions. We also direct students to work experience placements and careers insight days across a range of industries, to give students even more experience of the world of work. They also attend various CV, application and interview skills workshops and participate in a Careers Week in Year 12.