✔️ Our recent leavers have gone on to some of the country's leading universities, including Cambridge, Bristol and Durham.
✔️ To help with the financial costs of university life we offer bursaries ranging from £3,000 to £50,000.
✔️ Every child from Year 7 receives a Chromebook and access to a range of high-quality digital resources.
How to apply
Applications for places at Ark Burlington Danes will be made in accordance with Hammersmith & Fulham Council's co-ordinated admission arrangements.
Applications can be submitted through the Hammersmith & Fulham Council website, using the link below.
Applications to start school in September need to be submitted by the 31st of October.
Parents will then be notified by Hammersmith & Fulham Council on the 1st of March if their application has been successful.
You can make an in-year application at any time here.

The Ark Music Programme
The Ark Music Programme includes an annual Music Gala where pupils have the opportunity to perform at the Barbican Theatre.

Best-in-class careers provision
Students visit prestigious universities and employers and receive one-to-one careers guidance.

Setting your child up for success
Students from Ark Schools are 3 times more likely to go on to a top tier university at the end of their school career.
Open days
Open days for 2024 have now taken place. If you would like to apply to our school, please complete an in-year application here.

Celebrating The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee

Spectacular performances at the Barbican Centre